Sunday, July 6, 2008

Get2gether@Rebung - Thanx n Sorry

Allhamdullillah.. finally.. gathering utk batch 95-99 dpt jg direalisasikan wlpn hanye 30 org yg dtg.. tp utk 1st time should be ok la kot.. may be next time kalo kalo rancang elok maybe kite blh kumpul lebih lg kot..

ape pn.. aku minta maaf bg semua pihak AJK kalo ade yg kurang n slah spnjng conduct gathering ni.. maklum br 2 minggu lps plan bnde ni lps meeting kt sate kajang aritu... sorry la kalo event td nmpk kurang sempurna dr segi makanan, persiapan, program dn sebgainye.. coz nmpk kelam kabut sikt ms awl2 tu... mane yg dtg awal tu tepakse tunggu sejam br stat mkn.. ape pn hrp2 dgn gathering kite dpt raptkn kembali ukhwah kite..

nnti kalo gmbr dh ade.. aku post kt sini.. n one more thing.. nnti aku attach kn sume name yg korg isi dlm form td tu dlm blog n in once aku dh tranfer sume dlm excel nnti.. anyway.. thankz for those yg dtg hari ini.. its a great pleasure to see all of u 2day.. hope 2 c u again in our next gathering.. keep in touch..


mr apeng@anwar

you'll never walk alone


wadhi al-gojo said...

erm kalu yer pon theme liverpool tu x yah la masuk..bukan sumer sokong liverpool tu..hehehe

apeng said...

sori ar bang.. theme liverpool tu blh dipakai utk sume majlis n sume environment.. jgn jeles ar.. tau ar arsenal x theme.. hehehe

Akisendro said...

ahhhh .. kalo dah loser tu loserfool jugak .. hahaha

apeng said...

hahaha..kite tgk la sape yg loser nnti.. excited ni...